My inbox has been filling up with some great promotions from some companies I love. I wanted to share these as well as answer a few common email inbox questions from readers {at the bottom}.
We recently ordered Little Passports and are excited for it to arrive!. We got ours with a 10% coupon code but now they have a 20% coupon code available! 20% off code LPFF20 through Nov 16! Great gift idea for your own kids or for other kids you buy for!
if you miss the 20% code, they also have a 10% off WORLD10 through Nov. 20
Tell Your Time
Long ago I read and loved Tell Your Time by Amy Andrews {who is now an IRL friend thanks to Relevant} She has an amazing sale going on right now, $.99 with code: ONLY99. You can buy the pdf version here on her site, or the Kindle version here on Amazon {no code needed for Amazon}!
Awhile back we reviewed and loved Pick and Draw. Rich Davis also has an adorable blog that shares how to draw lessons that we have used! He has a holiday promo that is wonderful for gift giving! Pay $10 for the first game you buy and then only $8 for each additional game you purchase! We love this simple game and this company has a wonderful story and is very focused on sharing the message of Jesus!
Here are a few recent email inbox questions I have received more than once…
About the Crayola Dry Erase Center…now that you have had it awhile, do the markers still wipe off. I read on Amazon that they don’t.
YES, we still love it, but we ONLY use the Expo thin on it. The markers that came with it were horrible from the start so we pitched those. We have had NO problems with ours and use it every day. I noticed recently that Target has a printable $5 coupon which makes the center only $10 if you can buy it at Target {I am not sure when this coupon expires}. Amazon has 2 versions {they are the same, just come with different pages you don’t really need}. The prices change form day to day for each version, usually anywhere from $10-15.
I am having trouble with black boxes on my files I download from your site. I can’t get your files to load, print, etc. {many common problems are emailed weekly}.
This is the #1 question asked and I have a post all about solutions here in my FAQ section. The problem is “always” on the end of the user…I wish it was something I could easily fix, but I can’t. Good ol’ technology. If you are having any trouble loading or printing PDF files form my site or any other site, you should be able to find a solution in this post. Be sure to see the added Facebook conversation link at the bottom of the list where readers shared what worked for them.
Have a wonderful weekend!
ps-yes, there are affiliate links included in this post, but you probably already knew that ;-).