We continue to have lots of Tot-School around here with the lack of 1st grade stuff! We just play, play, play! I love it, but I also miss teaching Pac Man. He’s not as into his summer lapbook project (oceans) as I wish he was, so I am trying not to force him. But secretly I am sad and I miss our special 1 on 1 homeschooling time. So, Tot-School it is (which I love too)!!!
We haven’t had these (Melissa & Doug Deluxe 10-Piece Alphabet Nesting and Stacking Blocks)out in awhile and Krash did much better building them himself this time…
He also came up with this use on his own…
He colored the animals for his Ocean Animals Tot Book, I was SO impressed with his coloring, he actually colored inside some of the animals, instead of scribbling all over them!
My boys are very into tattoos these days…K is admiring his Luigi tattoo (or Loo-Gi-Gi as he calls it)
Just so you all don’t think I am some super mom who plays with my kids all day every day, here’s a zoned out shot of my boy watching a movie 🙂 His current favorite is Meet the Robinsons, which is actually Pac’s movie but of course he is around when it’s on. My boys get on movie kicks and watch the same one over and over again. Around here we are hearing “Robs” a lot lately :). He’s also dragging that pillow around with him lately, my mom sent it to him this week, he LOVES it because it has his name on it (which he loves).
He asks for stickers a lot, and in honor of the tattoo, he added them to his arms…
A little water play–the safe way…
We worked on some hand eye coordination with this lovely toy 🙂 it sends disks flying in the air for you to catch!
A little physical fun with the pillows form the couch…
K loved having his best bud Daniel over. They played with Aquadoodle,
our foam ABC blocks, which Shannon (my friend and Daniel’s mommy) had them hammering as she yelled out a color for them to find…
and, I got out the cereal box hammering for them…definitely needed 2 hammers for this, they both were pounding the noodles!
K managed to annoy P during Blockbuilding by being a little too rambunctious. Another time to teach P the lesson of patience with a 2 year old!
K gets VERY excited when I let him climb up to draw on the dry erase board!!
He worked with his Veggie Tales tot-book this week…
Markers were a HUGE hit with K this week, he drew for hours on many different days.
We sorted colors with our Teddy Bear Math Counters, 2 different days, he liked this!P was working on a Perler Beads project, I let K try but he soon was done (I figured he would be but he demanded to try it) We got this cool toy from the used book sale at the homeschool conference I went to. He only played with the colored designs for a minute…
But then really enjoyed when I made shapes for him…
Later in the week he painted the inside of the Ocean Animals Tot Book before I stuck it all together,
Then he added foam ocean animals stickers to the back of it!
And we ended with a huge block party at the church we work with. It’s a yearly event outreaching to approximately 1000 people in our inner city neighborhood. My kids love it, K was especially proud of his big boy cup…
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If you have a tot (approximately ages 1-3) at home, join in the fun and share what you’re doing with your tot! Here’s how to get started if you’re new…
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