Tot School was pretty non-existent this week, except for the fun times K had with others! Thankfully Pac stepped in for me and the camera happened to be close by…Here Pac is reading to K in their reading fort…
Krash learned how to open his own straw and put it in all by himself, he is VERY proud and wants a juice box all of the time now!!!
I happened to catch K reading and playing with these great books, Baby Einstein Alphabooks. He has never really even noticed them (they were Pac Man’s) but he had a great time naming the letters and stacking them up… My great friend Shannon was over on two nights to help take care of me and the boys while my husband had to work, praise the Lord for friends!!!!
Finally, K did a craft!!!!!! This might be the first one ever for him, I am so not a crafty momma. Thankfully MY momma arrived Saturday and I put her right to work, making Wooly Sheep with the boys! K was very into it, I may have to get crafty!

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If you have a tot (approximately ages 1-3) at home, join in the fun and share what you’re doing with your tot! Here’s how to get started if you’re new…
If you’ve never read this: Go HERE 1st for more details– please do!!! Then if you have any ideas you’d like to share, link up your exact post to Mr Linky (if you have questions about how to do that, let me know in a comment or email-links to homepages will automatically be deleted).
New: when you add your name(blog name) to Mr. Linky will you put your tot’s age (in months) after it, like this: 1+1+1=1 (34 mos)? I think this will help new readers a lot as they look for ideas for their specific aged tot!
If you are unsure of how to add your direct link to Mr Linky-I added a tutorial with photos here, scroll down to see it!