It occurs to me every now and then that this blog makes me appear WAY better than I actually am in real life :). As I look back through photos posted here I sometimes laugh at how much they DON’T show. A picture is a split second in time…with NO sound. My Tot School weekly reports are so cute of Krash, I love looking back at them, but often think, “man I wish it was as good as it appears to be!”
We’re having a rough time around here. Ladybug is 5 weeks old and is a dream baby-seriously, she is the perfect example of a perfect baby–sooooo easy. The boys on the other hand-NOT SO EASY-to put it mildly. And me as a mom? Let’s just say I am not so easy right now either. I am easily frustrated with them, big time, and I find myself longing for the next time Ladybug needs to nurse so I can just sit quietly.
I just had to get this small bit of info out there for you all so that my blog doesn’t *lie to you.* I am real, I am struggling to get my act together as a mom, I am praying for the day I feel 100% physically better (cuz I still don’t). I am longing for normal, thought we had it, but realized it’s not quite here yet. I’ll let you know when I find it (if ever).