I am in no way a perfect parent or an expert on discipline. I don’t believe there is a human being alive who can claim to have the right answers regarding this topic! I have however, found some excellent resources that have helped me along in my journey of learning how to be the best Godly parent I can be. That is what I hope to share with you here.
First, it is important to know my faith beliefs, you can read what I believe here. My discipline beliefs are based entirely on my faith. I grow as I go too, adapting and changing as I learn more and am led by the Holy Spirit.
Below I will share links to books, and sites that have helped me grow as a parent. Before I link to anything I want you to know that I do not stand by every word in ANY book, on ANY website, or ANY blog. I have found nuggets of goodness that have helped me grow within these resources, but ultimately I take it all to God and pray for the Holy Spirit to guide me. Just because there are links to books or sites I have found helpful, please don’t take that to mean I am affiliated with every word they say. There is much I tend to disagree with also. We all need to seek His will and discern using His guidance. I am not here to tell you how to parent!
If you are really struggling as a parent with Biblical Discipline, I recommend setting some time aside to read through all of Jill’s posts over on Totally Tots in our feature: From Tots to Teens ~ Biblically Based Parenting, or spend your time devouring the information found online at Raising Godly Tomatoes. You can read on their website for free, or you can order their book {they have it here on Amazon, or on their site}. Be sure to have some time carved out before you go visiting, I promise your heart will be rocked and you will want to just soak it all in. Even if you are a parent who feels a bit more “together” with discipline, these 2 sites alone can really get you thinking, praying, and listening {to the Holy Spirit leading you as a parent}.
We all love a good book, and although I don’t believe you should overwhelm yourself with every Christian parenting book available, here are a few that have really helped me. Some I have read more than once and have little tabs and notes all throughout!
- Shepherding a Child’s Heart, Instructing a Child’s Heart
- Dare to Discipline, The Strong Willed Child, Bringing up Boys, Bringing up Girls
- Parenting is Heart Work
- Good and Angry {I personally struggle with a hot temper and high anxiety brought on by noise. This book really helped me a lot.
- Positive Parenting Solutions {If I Have to Tell You One More Time} Although not a faith based site, it is extremely helpful and I have gotten to know Amy personally online! If you find yourself more on the negative side {struggling with anger, bitterness, harshness, etc.} this would be a great site to focus on to learn some positive discipline techniques.
Most of all, be sure to go straight to God’s Word and soak in what He is saying to YOU as a parent. We can read wonderful sites and books, but ultimately we need to be going to THE BOOK for our final advice. Here’s an article entitled, What does the Bible say about being a good parent? which includes many other Bible verses focused specifically on parenting.
Prayers for us all as we navigate through this world as a parent! I leave you with Proverbs 22:6…
Train a child in the way he should go,
and when he is old he will not turn from it.