~Ladybug is currently 22 months old~
We had a great week, although she was mildly sick and whiney for most of it, we still played a LOT! Our schedule is still way off, so we just took each day as it came. I am praying for a completely well house filled with spring air soon! 😉
Blokus, fun for little fingers…
Stickers {the girls LOVES stickers}…
Sorting pegs by color {1st time she stacked AND sorted like this}…
LOVED this ABC puzzle {from $1 Target awhile ago}
Found K’s rocket tracing sheets and colored on the over, and over, and over again!
Stacking Pegs in a line…
LOVED this felt board my mom got the kids to go with our Outer Space theme {it is Creatology from Michaels}
Loving the singing Happy Birthday card {that is about 3 years old and all of the kids love it still}
Dress Up time {our exact outfit is from Toys R Us I think}!!
I can’t believe she let me put the whole outfit on her!!!!
Of course, lots of reading…
Helping me do laundry…
During her exceptionally whiney sick moments, she was loaded into the bean bag chair with her blankee and hooked up with a lovely learning DVD. Here she is signing more to ask me to watch Baby Signing Time again.
This shot cracks me up. She insisted on wearing her black shoes with her jammies. I had just taken her piggy tails down and put in a ponytail to keep her hair out of her face and the rest stuck out like wings. She as not too thrilled with me for wanting to document her extreme sense of fashion.
More Tot School Links…