Friday is a school day for most of the nation, but not us! It is our day-off…our “Saturday". Because of our ministry work, we need Sat. to be a work day, so, we homeschool on Saturday. About once a month we try to do something fun as a family on our day off. Many Friday’s are spent just hanging around the house being lazy together and enjoying family, or getting house projects done. Yesterday, we went to the pumpkin patch we always go to, which is actually a little petting zoo, playground, lunch, pumpkin place! We had a blast and I thought you might enjoy peeking in on our day!
The birds were Ladybug’s absolute favorite.
These guys nipped her fingers and she thought it was hilarious. The boys were freaking out and she would just turn and say, “oooh, chicken bit my finder” and giggle!
For real, how cool are these guys? I was enthralled!
Krash preferred the goats…
I prefer the adorable children and the perfect fall weather!
The little gymnast was in heaven!
The pumpkins they each selected…
Look, even Mommy was there! It’s always so tricky to be in any photos, but I am trying to be mindful of it so my kids will have photos with me to look back on!
Finally, to keep things real, here was our failed attempt at a happy fall group shot!
Happy Fall!!!