I have a friend, her name is Stacie. I met her online first, and then in person at Relevant in 2011. I also got to hang out with her again this year at Allume {new name for Relevant}. I love her, and am so thankful this crazy world wide web brought us together as friends.
That’s Stacie on the left, and Crystal in the middle…
Stacie has an eBook out that I didn’t even know she was writing, it’s called Thanksgiving Heart. Yes, the book is launching right before the Thanksgiving holiday, but it has little to do with the holiday and everything to do with our HEARTS, all year long!
She sent me a copy to peek and I am so thankful she did. I have been so busy lately, and a bit off to be honest. Thanksgiving isn’t usually a holiday I truly enjoy, mostly because it involves traveling and juggling children between grandparents. The transition of travel is hard for me, and it usually takes me about a week of reentry to be back to normal when we return. We leave tomorrow and I am really trying to prepare my heart to be grateful for the trip and for our family time down south. Stacie’s little eBook seems to be just what I need for the road. I glanced through it quickly and read a few parts, here’s a quote that hit me right in the heart…
Instead of looking for the best in each situation and thanking the Giver of all good gifts, I focus on how I’m being affected. I focus on me, myself, and I.
I am excited to spend some of my quiet time reading my friend’s words. I hope to take some of the ideas and printables she provides and apply them to our life when we return.
The eBook is regularly priced at $3.99 but in honor of her launch, it is only $1.99 right now, through tomorrow night. So, be sure to snag it now to get this awesome deal!