You probably know I am a big fan of the Teach Them Diligently Homeschool Conventions. I spoke at 3 conventions last year and was in Nashville this year and am looking forward to speaking in Ohio in just a couple of weeks. Teach Them Diligently has also been a blog sponsor of ours for years now and for that I am grateful. It is a blessing to be able to partner with such a great ministry.
Recently David Nunnery, founder of TTD, sent out an email newsletter and the message struck me. I asked him if I could share portions of his newsletter with you. Why? Because he speaks of the Gospel focus of this convention. It isn’t just about practical homeschooling tips, it is about Jesus.
Below you will find David’s words, with the parts I really, really want you to read in bold {especially if you are on the fence about attending}.
Leslie and I cherish those moments when we get to spend time reading and enjoying the testimonies that come in after a Teach Them Diligently event. There are literally hundreds each time! Here is one that we just received shortly after TTD Atlanta,
"Our family attended Nashville and were so blessed by the experience that we attended Atlanta as well. And because of the discipleship at both conferences, my husband’s relationship with Jesus has become so strong that he has decided to be baptized! I cannot thank you enough for blessing our family with your work."
In fact, at Teach Them Diligently in Atlanta, the speakers in the teen program told us that eight young people surrendered to Christ and believed. When people ask me why we are different, this is what I point to! Keep reading, because there is a special offer for you at the end.
The reason I bring this up is because I am not sure homeschool families understand the need or distinctiveness for an event like Teach Them Diligently. Even though we reach tens of thousands of homeschool families in the U.S., I am still not convinced most homeschool families understand the point, especially if they have not attended one of our events. When we describe ourselves as a homeschool convention, people immediately assume they will find a number of speakers and exhibitors talking about teaching methods and encouraging moms that are about to put their kids on the Yellow Bus. While we definitely have an element of our event that helps with know-how and encouragement, Teach Them Diligently is much more. Take a few minutes to "test drive" some of our content by listening to Rachael Carman’s "Seven Simple Steps To Sanity" in which she helps moms see how peaceful walking circumspectly by faith with God can be. After you pick up that one, click here for some more free downloads of sessions recorded at our events relating to organization, curriculum choices, and learning styles. These sessions will give you an even better idea of the content you can expect at Teach Them Diligently.
Honestly, the best way I know to communicate to everyone that we are not like other homeschool conventions is to present what others are saying, and challenge families to witness it for themselves. Veteran homeschoolers will tell you that home education goes far beyond just academics, and the experience at Teach Them Diligently presents homeschooling with a foundation in Christ. To explore other experiences from attendees, just look on our website under testimonies or take a look at this video.
You can expect God to work at our event! Some will receive a nugget of truth that helps them and others will receive a truth that will revolutionize their life. But, one of the coolest aspects of Teach Them Diligently is the tremendous amount of diversity. You can see it in the hallways and in the classes and the exhibit hall. When believers that have very diverse backgrounds gather in the name of Christ and present a shared experience, it is a beautiful picture of the family of God. You cannot help but be uplifted.
So, if you have the "courage" to come to a Teach Them Diligently Convention, and risk edification personally, or even revival, we will be meeting in Sandusky, OH, at the Kalahari Resort, May 28-30th, 2015, and our last event of this season is in Dallas, TX, at the Sheraton Downtown, July 16-18.
Oh, yes! I guess I should also mention the big exhibit hall filled with curriculum and resources, the hundreds of speaking sessions, children’s program, teen program, men’s breakfast, evening of real refreshment for moms, and just for you in Ohio, the largest indoor waterpark in the country. We are definitely a homeschool convention, but discipleship is a big deal to us. Come to Teach Them Diligently! It is an experience you will always remember– and you will want to repeat!
Just for making it to the end of this letter, we will reward you with a special code for a $10 discount off your family registration. Use discount code REVIVE and register before May 20, 2015.
David Nunnery
President and Founder
Teach Them Diligently
Be sure you took notice of the $10 discount if you register by May 20, 2015. I will be speaking in Ohio and possibly in Dallas {a few details are still up in the air}. If you will be in Ohio, please comment and let me know! If you are planning to go to Dallas and would like to see me there, let me know! If you were in Nashville or Atlanta this year, comment and let others know what you thought.