Welcome to Tot School™ Gathering Place! Gather together here, gather ideas from other blogs, share your own ideas on your own blog. Browse around at the other posts linked up, leave a few comments if you have time, and be sure to check back to see if your blog was featured!
Each week we will feature photo{s} and ideas from blogs who link up. Remember, provide a link back to Tot School Gathering Place within your post that you link up, so you can be considered for the feature!
The last (unofficial) weekend of the summer! What plans do you have with your Tot? A last trip to the beach? Up to the mountains? Camping? Whatever your plans were for this long weekend I hope you made wonderful memories with your Tot. Don’t forget to link up to the Gathering Place to share all those wonderful ideas you’ve put together to help your Tot learn about the world around them. You just may inspire another Mama with your creativity!
Mama Lindsay from You Are the Roots took the summer off with her Tot Ethan, but is now ready to get back into the swing of things! Check out what she and Tot Ethan discovered in their first week back!
Are you looking for a construction themed unit? Take a look at what GrandMama Nancy put together for her GrandTot Tahoe! Some of her ideas may be of interest to your construction loving Tot!
Are you just starting the Tot School journey? Head on over to Tot Tot Goose to see how Mama Meghan is prepping her Tot Savanna to begin their journey!
Were you featured? You are welcome to a button but you certainly don’t have to use it! Totally optional!
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Where to Begin with Tot School eBook?
See the Tot School webpage here!
Follow {1plus1plus1} Carisa’s board Tot School Ideas on Pinterest.
Are you NEW or have never been featured? Read this! Basics: write a specific post about what you did with your tot, link up the permalink from your post, link back to Tot School within that post, put your tot’s age in months in ( ) like this: (43 months).