{disclaimer ~ we were sent these books to review and affiliate links are used in this post}
Oh my word. I can’t say enough about Zoey and Sassafras!. When my blog friend Asia asked if I would like to review her new chapter book series, I took a look, saw a dragon and a cat and said YES! I figured with two of my daughter’s VERY favorites on the cover, it was likely she would enjoy them. Plus she LOVES to read. The photo above shows moments after she opened the package that Asia sent us with the first book, her smile says it all.
She sat down to read it after we came inside from playing that day and she finished it all at once!
I just happened to be sitting near her as I noticed her on the last page so I started filming so I could get her live and authentic reaction. I’ll let the video speak for itself.
About the Series…
Zoey is a smart and sweet little girl with an adorable pet cat, Sassafras. Science, adventure and fantasy are woven together in the delightful tales. The books are funny, educational, and just simply enjoyable. I HIGHLY recommend them!
There are 3 books in the series {we are really hoping Asia will write more}, and they all feature larger font size, and black and white illustrations on many pages. The books are written at a 2nd grade independent reading level, but would make a great read aloud for a younger child. Honestly the stories are so well written that older kids will enjoy them too. The recommended age is 4-10, my daughter is almost 8 and these are perfect!
The Printables…
She also loves to color and asked me if I had any Zoey and Sassafras coloring pages! Thankfully we were given permission from the fabulous illustrator, Marion Lindsay, to use her images to create some printables! I first put together some simple coloring pages for her, which she also used as tracing sheets. She loves to practice her drawing skills.
She is in 2nd grade, and I wanted to create a couple of activities to work on some skills also. First, I made a sheet for her to draw and write about her own magical animal. She loved this and I just love her creativity. After this she asked me if she could use one of her small notebooks to be her magical animal book. She has since written about several made-up magical animals all on her own!
I also created a printable activity to work on some grammar skills. We came up with verbs and adjectives to describe Zoey and Sassafras!
The words she chose to describe Zoey give a good picture into the type of main character this little girl is ~ creative, smart, and helpful. All traits I love to see in my own kids! Zoey likes to ~ investigate, explore, and play!
She is BEGGING Asia to write more books, but she said she will reread these for now, she loves them so much!
You can download the free Zoey and Sassafras coloring pages and printables here!