We have a new set of FREE Q-Tip Painting printables featuring adorable Creative Creatures A to Z! There are so many fun ways to use these printables. Making tiny glue dots and sprinkling glitter over them is a favorite of ours! You can see many more ideas for using these here!
We also have brand new Creative Creatures A to Z Printables in our Teacher’s Notebook Shop! There’s even a bundle featuring all 6 Creative Creatures products at a discounted price! You’ll get flashcards, letter mazes, handwriting practice pages, an easy reader and more! If you are looking for something fun to bring in to your ABC learning time, Creative Creatures A to Z is just what you need! Silly creatures shaped like letters will bring a smile to your little one’s face as s/he is learning!
Click on each image below to see each product in my Teacher’s Notebook Shop, or click here to see the entire bundle!
Download your free Creative CreaturesA to Z Q-tip Painting Printables here!
WHY use Q-Tip Painting Printables?
The big answer is fine motor skills! You’ll notice how we focus on not only the tiny dots, but also using small items in painting or adding to the dots. All of this works on hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills
The letter/number identification is a secondary bonus!
See ideas for using these here!
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