If you have a child learning to identify coins {penny, nickel, dime, quarter} this new activity is perfect! This FREE printable set features different options for your child to have fun while learning to identify coins and their amounts!
The idea is simple, roll the cube and then find the coin you see you see. The coins are presented in a bar graph format which allows for other fun math learning also. Use this game again and again by slipping into a sheet protector and use real coins for added hands-on learning.
Start with basic coin recognition and names of the coins, then values. Too much too soon is too overwhelming!
Step 1: Identify coins and their names
Gather coins and as your child rolls the cube, encourage him/her to name the coin, find the coin, and lay it on the graph. This provides visual, auditory, and hands-on work to help your child memorize the names of the coins.
Step 2: Identify the value of each coin
Add in the value of each coin when your child is ready.
There are a few different cube options, choose the one that is best for your child.
You will also find two different graphing options. You can use real coins to mark the graph, or slip in a sheet protector and use dry-erase markers. If your child is working on identifying the amounts of the coins, you can have him/her trace the numbers!
Download this and more here on our All 123 webpage which is filled with math resources!
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