Our 2nd day…was off from the start. Table Tot School was set to begin at 9 and the tot wasn’t even awake!!! He had a bit of a rough night, awakening around 5:30am and being up for a bit. Daddy convinced me to forgo the schedule and let him sleep in.
Pac-Man enjoyed some computer time and was thrilled. I worked all day yesterday to get my old laptop cleaned up. After hours of updates, de-fragmenting, and deleting– it is running well enough to be a simple computer for us in the schoolroom. He has been asking me about it forever so this was a real treat for him. I think it will prove to be a treat for me as I can get some blogging (writing and reading others) during some of my school day (like when the boys are outside for recess but I have to stay in the schoolroom so I can see them out the back door).Krash finally woke up around 9:30 and we just went through the morning schedule without really timing it, just trying to go in basic order. K wasn’t really into table Tot School, so we quickly moved onto the floor. My favorite part was the fact that he FINALLY gave me a cheese smile, and even did it a few times!!!He even posed with Pac Man!!! Nothing to do with school, but made the morning great for me!!!
(he added the hat to his wardrobe when he woke up this morning 🙂 )
After nap Pac and I did his Bible lesson, we are finishing up the timeline overview this week before the actual lessons begin. Then we worked on the final steps of his dolphin/whale lapbook. He only has one more thing to complete and it will be done! Those are our only 2 goals for this week, so we’re doing great as they both should be finished tomorrow!!
Here’s our schedule, for those interested. I too would love to see other daily schedules as I have a hard time scheduling by time with the young ones. I think when they are older it will be easier but last year we didn’t follow a course schedule at all, I just made sure the work was completed for the day. This year I am doing certain subjects at certain times, hoping it will reduce some of the “Do I have to??????” whining (from Pac). For those of you who are new readers, Pac Man is 6 and he is 1/2 way through first grade, Krash is 27 months old. K’s schedule is not *set*it’s just a general idea. I basically have a schedule for him to help me figure out P’s schedule and how K fits into it!!!Here’s the actual rules posted I have up on the wall, I make these things in Microsoft Publisher.