Tot School was much different at our house this past week as I discovered Krash finally likes to do crafts and projects!!! We focused almost entirely on this and had a wonderful week!
I figured out that he might be really into more project type work when Pac Man cut up shapes for him early last week and K actually glued them to the paper, for a long time!!!! We did squeeze in a little “Bean Bag Monster” with our new lowercase set (my mom makes these, and no she does not sell them on her site-they are too time consuming to make!)
K is obsessed with our new washer and dryer, and is often found like this. He will even take my clean clothes out of the dryer and load them back into the washer for me…how sweet.
This is the first time he showed any interest in Color Wonder. Not only was he interested, he colored like this for SO long, making sure every little spot was blue…
We are still working on our pond (yes I realize it is taking us FOREVER to finish it, but we WILL finish!). This week I was brave and we did the footprint ducks, this is K’s…
We are having FUN with our letters!!! After doing the Hh last week (we did this one because we needed a last minute photo for Totally Tots), I realized that K loved doing this! I decided it was finally time to really dive into our letter projects! We began with ants on our Aa…
Painted our Bb like a yellow bumble bee…
Our most fun letter this week was definitely Cc! We made up our own project for C, using one of our favorites…Cars! Krash put Cars (the movie) stickers all over his Cc’s…
Then he drove his car with painted wheels all over it…
Yes, I mean ALL OVER IT!!!
K is also now really good at a few of the Wii Fitgames, like skiing…
and Yoga…
He is also a MUCH better helper in the kitchen than he used to be!!!! We made blueberry muffins together, you can see the recipe here.
He continues to be adorable with Ladybug and is often trying to “help her,” here he is covering her up…
and his famous, “petting her”…
Finally, my favorite shot of the week of this handsome guy…
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If you have a tot (approximately ages 1-3) at home, join in the fun and share what you’re doing with your tot! Here’s how to get started if you’re new…
If you’ve never read this: Go HERE 1st for more details– please do!!! Then if you have any ideas you’d like to share, link up your exact post to Mr Linky (if you have questions about how to do that, let me know in a comment or email-links to homepages will automatically be deleted).
New: when you add your name(blog name) to Mr. Linky will you put your tot’s age (in months) after it, like this: 1+1+1=1 (36 mos)? I think this will help new readers a lot as they look for ideas for their specific aged tot!
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