~Krash is currently 43 months old~
Learning Toys/Trays…
Get ready to be impressed with our amazing Tot School adventures. All completely well thought out and planned by yours truly…or NOT. Just happened to have the camera sitting around to capture some of K’s Tot School-ish moments that he created on his own just playing in the schoolroom! We haven’t followed ay sort of schedule (see this post if you missed it), and have been winging it and having a bit of fun and a bit of stress ;-).
He played with his musical instruments a LOT…
He finally decided he likes drawing on our big wall dry erase board. This is a chomper beetle and K’s fingers are his chompers going around the board eating other bugs.
Theme ~ CHRISTmas
We did do some Christmas Tot School, along with many crafts for Christmas gifts. Here’s a few of the fun things Krash worked with this past week. He made a Christmas sticker scene (got these from OT, although I can’t find them online now)…
He worked with positional words using our Where’s the Present mini book…
He matched up A-E using his upper/lower case candy cane letters.
He did it but did not enjoy it as much as he loves marching around his giant J singing ABCs…
Life School
We caught our own pet!
Now before you go lecturing me about how you can’t keep wild mice as pets, don’t worry, she has already left us. But for a few fun days we had a pet mouse who was oh-so-cute. Those are words I never thought I would ever say.
Pac saw Miss Mouse running around the school room the other day. Daddy bravely caught her in a jar. Instead of disposing of her right then and there he made the mistake of taking a peek at her. He thought she was cute. Then he made the bigger mistake of showing her to me, and I thought she was cute. Of course that led to the boys begging to keep her.
Daddy drug the old lizard cage out of the basement and they set up house for her. We gave her some bread and cheese, watched her drink out of her water dish and bury herself in the construction paper bedding the boys prepared for her. Karsh loved watching the little mouse do her thing for a few days.
Then, her final moments came. She got cold in the schoolroom the other night and she kicked the bucket on her own. Probably for the best since she was scheduled for a little tour of the toilet soon anyhow.
She was fun while she lasted, although I don’t think I will be hoping to find a new pet mouse anytime soon.
Tiny Tot school
Hard to believe in just 4 months this little cutie will be the Tot School TOT in our house! She has begun to hang out with us more and enjoys sitting in her Bumbo and exploring different things we have. She really enjoyed exploring the stacking cups for a long time this past week. She is almost 8 months old now, where has the time gone?
Mommy’s Favorite
Could you just eat him up?
Yeah, me too. Oh how I love my crazy Krash.