~Ladybug is currently 14 months old~
Ladybug got to spend the past week with her extended family {Daddy’s side} down in NC at the beach! She had a wonderful week, we all enjoyed her so very much ~ she is such a sweet & fun baby! Here’s a few highlights from her time at the beach…
She loved the pool we had set up underneath the house…
Riding in the golf cart with Daddy was a BIG HIT, she loved it!
We let her try a popsicle, her reaction was amusing…
She hung out inside a lot with Nana, one of her favorite activities was playing with the cups on the cooler {putting them in and out of the holes on top}
She got LOTS and LOTS of extra snuggling 😉
She wasn’t crazy about the ocean, but she didn’t hate it either. We only took her on one day, mainly so I could take her picture 😉
Her BIG accomplishment of the week, she can now pull up on her own! This a big deal for our little lazy-bones. She mastered this on the last day and is now a pull-up master!
She did a really great job getting even cuter this week too. Those little gappy teeth just melt my heart!