~Ladybug is currently 16.5 months old~
Ladybug’s Tot Trays for the week…
Fisher Price Farm Bingo {consignment sale find, no longer available}
Straws and an empty parmesan cheese bottle
Paint tray from Oriental Trading, beads to put in it
Empty baby food container with cut outs done with a pocket knife 😉 for the little foam shapes we got form Target’s $1 aisle recently!
Crayons and paper.
Good thing I snapped a photo at the beginning, because I barely had my camera out during her Tot School times at all! Here’s the only 2 photos I got from the entire week {and she DID play a lot with her stuff!} Trying to ask me to put the lid on!!!
Krash and Ladybug both continue to LOVE our Bristle Blocks!
We were away on our semi-annual church staff retreat Mon-Wed, so Ladybug’s life school was super fun! She got to go swimming…
She got lots of extra Daddy time! We were at a retreat center on the Chesapeake Bay, so it was beautiful!!! Riding in the Ergo… Listening to Daddy whistle the grass… Figuring out she doesn’t actually like the grass!!!
Additionally, Ladybug has mastered signing please and thank you, I thought you might want a peek, since it’s so stinkin’ cute {and NO I am not biased, at all} 😉
She has since added “book” and “all done” to her list, and is VERY into it all now, a light switch has definitely gone on in her brain!!!
Not only is this my favorite photo of Ladybug, this is my new favorite THING. We were recently sent this amazing bean bag chair from www.ahhprods.com and I cannot even begin to tell you how much we LOVE it! As you can see, it’s VERY popular with Ladybug 😉