~Ladybug is currently 18 months old~
I think I have found a way to rotate her learning toys for the week There are certain toys she always has success too, but I am trying to rotate the others. We’ll see if this method works ;-). I picked 3 and put them on the floor for her to find Monday morning. {Kimochi, Shape Sorter, Puzzle} I kept these 3 out all week and we just went to them when she wanted to and I played with her and just had fun! She also played a lot with them on her own too. I look forward to putting 3 new ones out for her tomorrow! The boys enjoyed them too—added bonus!
She enjoyed the Shape Sorter, mostly “counting” the blocks and also stacking them!

Easel time is still a daily thing for her! ;-) I love seeing her draw!
We had our Thanksgiving set out early since I was photographing it for our upcoming Preschool Pack, she enjoyed rocking the pilgrims in her doll cradle!Stacking Pegs were fun for about 2 minutes ;-)
The ABC Mat and home-made bean bags were a daily dose of fun! She loved throwing them on the mat!
I finally set up some Tot Trays for her, but didn’t get a lot of pictures! Here she is stringing penne pasta tubes onto a pipe cleaner…

While I was at Relevant, Daddy had TONS of fun with the kiddos. He took a few pictures on his phone of them when they were at the pumpkin patch! Ladybug got to see farm animals, play on an awesome playground and pick her own pumpkin! I hated to miss the fun but was so thankful that my husband took them on his own!
She has been quite the cheese monkey lately, this photo does a great job of capturing her cheesy grin I love so much!
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