~Ladybug is currently 22 months old~
Ladybug had her own little transportation themed week, mainly focused around her beloved Cars! I had this waiting for her when she came into the schoolroom one morning…
I printed my own Cars Tot Book color cards and laminated them {they are actually from a mini book but I left the separated for her so she could hold them} and displayed them in our pocket chart. I found the matching Cars we had and encouraged her to match them to the cards! Then she drove them on the board {a shelf} and flipped them all over!I caught her counting them several times, after she lined them up just-so.
I had other things planned for my girl, but it has been a sick-filled week for us. The boys first, then Mom and then Ladybug. She was feeling pretty rough this day but wanted to play with the beads so badly!
She did ask me to get down the play doh containers and put them in a few times…
Our Valentine’s Day Bin is still in rotation, as Ladybug is in love with it! You saw the heart sticks in the photos above!
She is enjoying the Transportation Sensory Bin, but not nearly as much as the Valentines Day Bin! My mom made a little felt mat with roads on it for the kids and I got out our tires from the Cars tire stacking game. Here she was stacking the tires…
She yelled at me when they fell over, and was quickly happy when she got them stacked again!
I was sick on Monday and my husband stepped in for me. He not only took care of the kids but attempted to homeschool them too! I came down later in the day to see Ladybug’s “bay-bow” and was then told the story of how it came to be. Daddy found clipart online, printed it out AND laminated it for her!!! All without me! She was trying to tear up one of K’s rainbow pages so Daddy made her her very own rainbow! {these photos were taken the following day, she was still carrying it around!}
She wouldn’t smile for me, but I love the picture of her little “hair balls” ;-).
More Tot School Links…
- Tot School 2010/2011 Roll Call {and FAQ Clarification Post} –I have finished updating the Tot School roster, please let me know if you are not on it and you have linked up for at least 3 weeks. You can leave a comment on this post telling me that this is your 3rd {or more} time linking up!
- Behind the Scenes ~ Where Do I Begin with Tot School?
- Tot School Webpage {including links of all participants}
- Tot Trays {webpage}, Behind the Scenes ~ Tot Trays, Where are the Trays?
- Totally Tots {my other team-written blog, all about tots!}
- All of our Tot School Posts {sorted by ages here}
- Visit our Tot School Tools Store
- Tot School Zones {Linky with other moms sharing their Tot School zones}
- Tot School FAQ
- How do I Link up to Tot School? Please be sure to read this BEFORE you link up for the first time!!! If your blog is not linked back here to Tot School {within your post, not just on your sidebar}, and/or your post is not specifically a Tot School post, your link will be deleted to help Tot School surfing moms. If your link was deleted, please email if you don’t know why.
Please put your tot’s age (in months) after it, like this: 1+1+1=1 (41 mos)