I am a gadget girl. Sometimes to an obsessive point-I love a new gadget. School gadgets rock. I love finding new tools that can be used to make school more fun!
I wrote about using the Nintendo DSi as a school gadget here.
You all must know how much I love my favorite laminator gadget.
I could go on and on with all sorts of gadgets I love {yes, I have a very broad definition of gadget}.
Recently a kind reader mentioned a gadget I might like on my Facbook page. I looked and looked at Target but never found it, and finally ordered it from Amazon. It arrived today and I am in love.
The Crayola Dry Erase Activity Center is a perfect solution for worksheets that you want to reuse! Instead of sheet protectors, you can slide the worksheet in the tray and your child can write directly on it!!!!
I plan to use this TONS with Ladybug for her Tot School Printables! I will also have Krash using it for Preschool Packs and You Can Read work!
I am not a fan of Crayola dry erase markers and the same was true with this. They did not erase very easily but the Expo markers worked beautifully!
The next gadget I am looking for is this…
We had these when I taught K and they were great for certain kiddos. Krash and Ladybug are 2 kiddos who would really benefit from these. Krash just loves to color anywhere. For Ladybug she needs to work on sitting with her legs straight forward rather than in the W position so I think this could really help her. Problem is the only ones I find at stores have characters all over them and I want plain. The one I linked to is only $4.99 but the shipping is more than double that! If anyone knows where I can find plain colored lap trays, let me know!
Have you found any other new homeschool gadgets you are in love with right now? Do share!!!