Homeschooling is difficult, draining, and sometimes downright exhausting. BUT, none of that matters at the end of the day when you look at the pictures and notice what really matters. There are many perks to homeschooling, some are obvious and some are not so obvious. Here are a few reasons I think homeschooling rocks, in no particular order…
1 ~ Grandparents can visit anytime, come to school, AND sit at your desk with you and nobody tells them “it’s time to go now.”
2 ~ You are free to wear your winter hat inside, all day long…
3 ~ Pets ARE allowed…
4 ~ You can shoot your words and nobody will take you to the principal’s office.
5 ~ You can color with your sibling, even if she is 2 and you are 5.
6 ~ You can sit in a bean bag {}, all curled up with your siblings, and read, read, read…
7 ~ You can wear your pajamas, and you don’t even have to do your hair!
8 ~ When the grandparents call and say, “hey, we got a great deal, wanna go on a cruise in a few weeks?” You can drop it all and say YES!!!!!!!
9 ~ If you are learning to read and you don’t know a word, you can just run across the room and ask your 4th grade brother…
10 ~ FAMILY. FAMILY. FAMILY. It all comes down to bonding together and enjoying our time together while we have it!
There. Now I feel better. Might have to come back and look at my own post on the hard days. Or, maybe every day.
Happy Homeschooling!