~Ladybug is currently 35 months old~
Because of my blog migration last weekend and also some MAJOR home projects going on {in the simplify category} I didn’t get my normal Sunday school prep afternoon. So, I took it easy and left her Animal ABCs G Gorilla stuff out and we just relaxed on the planned Tot School. School was spontaneous and totally unplanned on my part, guess what-she still has a blast and learned a lot! I plan extensively more for me-so I don’t get slack and lazy! But every now and then, a laid back un-planned week is great!
Zhu Zhu pets are educational, right? Well, either way, she had a blast exploring her interest in these silly little guys MANY times this past week!
She also got ahold of Krash’s Star Wars notebook {he chose a Star Wars theme for school this week} and asked to do it! She did the activities in her own special way and loved it! She worked on every printable and asked for more!
She also spent time in her Tot Time Notebook…
We had a play date with friends, she isn’t the friendliest child so this is always good for her!
We spent TONS of time outside together! She is learning to ride the tricycle and is a master at the Plasma Car!
I was testing her with her favorite Seahorse toy, trying to get her to smile at me. Finally she did, as she was grabbing for it!
This was the best I could get without her grabbing .
More Tot School Links…
- Tot School 2011/2012 Blog Roll
- Behind the Scenes ~ Where Do I Begin with Tot School?
- Tot School Webpage {including links of all participants}
- How do I Link up to Tot School? Please be sure to read this BEFORE you link up for the first time!!! If your blog is not linked back here to Tot School {within your post, not just on your sidebar}, and/or your post is not specifically a Tot School post, your link will be deleted to help Tot School surfing moms. If your link was deleted, please email if you don’t know why.
Please put your tot’s age (in months) after it, like this: 1+1+1=1 (41 mos)
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