Do you have little ones who are learning the alphabet? Dot Fun printables {Do-A-Dot, BINGO Daubers, etc.} are a great way to have fun with letters and many kids love them! We have all sorts of ideas for using Dot Fun printables here!
Below you’ll find awesome alphabet dot fun printables from 1+1+1=1 and other bloggers! if you grab a free printable from another blogger I have linked to, be sure to leave a comment to say thanks {or Pin the post from their blog – that’s a great way to thank a blogger}!
My daughter used this set during her preschool year. The dots are on the letters, with a cute animal beside of the letter. The PDF contains a color or BW outline version.
Download on our All ABCs webpage, look for this graphic…
Here’s another set we really like, from Homeschool Creations! This is a great set with the dots on the image instead of the letter. These are sized 2 per page.
Download this free set of Do-A-Dot Alphabet Printables here!
We have a free {for subscribers} set of Animal Dot fun printables here, featuring real photographs.
Here are two sets that feature a letter hunt, we used this one during Ladybug’s preschool year.
Thanks to 3 Dinosaurs and Over the Big Moon for these great sets!
Looking for just letters? This is an awesome set from Confessions of a Homeschooler!
Here’s a different set featuring just an upper case letter.
Here’s a cute set from The Measured Mom, there’s an upper case and a lower case set!
Want an upper and lower case letter with a picture too? Here’s a great set from DLTK, which comes in color or BW.
Stay Tuned, #10 is coming next week!
Be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss our new Alphabet Dot Fun Letter Mazes! Here’s a peek, the link to the file will be added here once it is shared on my blog.
Looking for more ABC ideas, check out our ABC Pinterest board here!