When I planned my USA Geography curriculum for this homeschool year I immediately went back to our StickerUSA book. I used this book years ago with my children, you can see a post here showing my kids using it. When Barker Creek joined us as a blog sponsor and asked if I’d like to host a giveaway for StickerUSA and other geography items I immediately said, “YES!”
They sent me some awesome magnet sets to add to my plan this year and my kids love them. We received flowers, birds and abbreviations. The magnets are very sturdy and thick. I am very pleased with the quality.
I sorted them out by state in baseball card sleeves like this…
We are studying 2 states per week {see our entire plan here} and our magnet board is slowly growing. The board is SO nice for review, I love the magnets!
We aren’t using the StickerUSA book this year since we already worked through this book years ago. Here’s some pages I dug out to show you! We all loved this book when we used it!
Here’s more about this book, which sells for $19.99 on the Barker Creek site here.
Newly updated to include figures from the 2010 census, there is a tremendous amount of information packed in this highly interactive sticker book. We’ve used the best state outline maps we could find to help your students learn their state names, capitals, state birds, flags, flowers and postal abbreviations. Children will love using the 300+ brightly colored stickers included in this book to “fill-in-the-blanks” on each state activity page.
As a special bonus, our StickerUSA™ book includes 50 state flashcards. The flashcards are printed on perforated card stock so they are ready to be punched out of the book and be used! We’ve also included fun facts about each state, information on time zones, regions of the U.S., major mountain ranges, rivers and much more. Working with more than one child? Not a problem! The activity pages, stickers, and flashcards in this book are reproducible for home or classroom use.
The Giveaway!
This giveaway is sponsored by Barker Creek, you can read more about their company here!
We are giving away a StickerUSA Activity Book, a magnetic KidBoard (your choice of red or blue), and your choice of states & capitals OR any two of birds, abbreviations, or flowers magnets.
Use Rafflecopter to enter to win below. Giveaway ends 9/6/15 and is only open to continental US address.