A Full House!
Can you guess who’s family that is in my schoolroom? It’s a LONG time blogging friend turned entire-family-in-real-life-friends! That’s Jodi from JodiMcKenna.com {you may know her as Granola Mom 4 God which she was for years}! Her amazing family came to stay with us for a few days last month!
Sadly it poured down rain most of the time, but by the end our 7 kiddos didn’t even care and went outside anyway!
Brian and Jodi came down to help me in another way, they led a Young Living class for us! It was awesome to have them here and to learn from them. They have been using Young Living for 10 years! Our family is still in love after over 2 years {I don’t talk about it much over here – don’t ever want to seem pushy} but you can keep up with my oily adventures here!
Our kids got along great and we had loads of laughs together. I only wish we had longer to develop our friendships in real life!
Philly Friends
Speaking of great friends, we had our very best friends from where we used to live here for a visit back in August! Oh how we miss them!!!
Ahh the beach right when MANY other people have kids who are back in school! This is an annual trip with my parents and a trip we all enjoy very much. We go Labor Day week when it is still warm, things are still open but there’s hardly anyone there after the weekend!
Got pictures with my babies at the beach!
Fun 2 Days
There’s the lovely Jolanthe from Homeschool Creations and that’s my cutie husband in the middle of us! The three of us spent 2 days together attending Digital CoLab a few weeks ago! It was a great learning time and we enjoyed connecting with other blogger friends. My husband helps me with the business side of things for my online world so he attended alongside of me to learn a bit more!
See more of what’s been going on lately in our life here on Instagram!
See our other Lately in Our Life posts here!