My son is sick and we were supposed to be back at school this week but he’s been running a high fever for days now. I miss blogging, and I am missing school 🙂 so I figured I could at least get back to one! I love reading about other products people recommend so I thought I would post about my absolute favorite DVD’s Leapfrog Learning DVDs 5-Pack (Talking Words Factory / Talking Words Factory II / Learn to Read at the Storybook Factory / Letter Factory /Math Circus). The Leapfrog series is amazing and my son (when he was much younger) learned his ABCs, sounds, vowels, vowel sounds and way more…watching these DVD’s. Sure, we did tons of hands on stuff and all of the normal ideas I had in my brain since I had taught hundreds of children their letters while teaching Kindergarten. But NOTHING worked like these DVDs and I believe he has sailed through his K curriculum because of the solid foundation these DVD’s provided him, they really are amazing!
The 1st one in the series is the Letter Factory which teaches the ABC’s and sounds, and they move on and build from there, going all the way to making words and stories. He still watches them a lot and I am excited to be able to use them again with my toddler soon! I can’t say enough about how great these DVDs really are!