As May comes to a close I am anticipating the summer months and wondering exactly what we will do for schooling. We have had such an OFF year and Pac Man has had tons of week long breaks during our many issues this year. Thankfully he was over 1/2 year ahead and is still about 25 lessons ahead (he technically should be entering 2nd grade in the fall and is on lesson 25 (out of 160) right now). Because of this, I never really worried about all of the time we took off from school this year.
We do plan to continue with school this summer, although we did not last summer. I don’t plan to do *real* school, but a very scaled down version. My thoughts are to have 3-6 Workboxes each day for Pac Man, mostly only 3 per day. I only plan to do this when we are home all day, if we are gone I am not going to worry about it. My hope is to complete at least through lesson 40 by the end of the summer.
For Krash, I do plan to continue to set up his trays each week, and change them out throughout the week. He needs the time with me and I need to be focused with him or his behavior will be off the wall. He is so high strung and needs that focused time with me each day.
I did start something new with Pac this week. If he can finish his boxes before K wakes up from his nap, I will spend the rest of nap time playing games with him. That way I can be sure to spend focused time with him each day, AND it motivates him to complete his work in a timely fashion (something he really struggles with).
I also plan to get our Summer Challenge going again, if you weren’t reading with me last year, you can read about it here. I plan to alter it a bit, but stick with the general concept, as it worked really well last summer.
What are your summer plans as far as Tot School and homeschooling your older kids?