I am often left speechless by comments, emails and general support from people I have never met in real life. Blogging will do that to you. I never knew that when I began, but have since learned what a blessing it is and that so many of you are truly friends and an incredible part of my life. I sit in awe of an amazing God who just knows how to bring the right people together online at the perfect time (some of you know exactly what I mean, don’t you?).
One of those speechless moments happened this morning when I read this on my blogging friend Tara’s blog. You may know Tara as the creator of the amazing Itty Bitty Bookworm Curriulum, I know her as an online buddy, who I have gotten to know via email, and might even get to meet in real life soon!
I am actually reviewing her wonderful curriculum right now for our upcoming 1000 Subscriber Celebration and I am VERY impressed with it. Stay tuned for more thoughts on that! In a nutshell, I think it’s great!
Tara is generously donating 10% of all sales between now and August 3, 2009 to go towards the purchase of the Redemption House!!!!
Click the image below to see what she has to offer for your tot or preschooler!!!
Thank You Tara!!!!!!