We began our evening with Daddy reading The Tiny Snowflake to the kids. Ladybug was really into the story and was grabbing at the book the whole time! Thankfully Krash had heard the story before because he wasn’t having any of it. It was an evening of discipline training for him-he was a bit out of control (which led to me feeling way out of control by the time all was said and done). 😉
The purpose of our time was to emphasize that God made snowflakes just like he made people and that we are special to God and also very unique. We used an awesome lesson from Danielle’s Place to illustrate what it feels like to be blown around just like a snowflake and to know that God is always with us no matter where we may blow.
After the story and the lesson I surprised Krash with a special mini book made in honor of the book, The Tiny Snowflake… He really enjoyed the last page! 😉
After the book, we moved on to a snowflake matching activity I made. I made a simple colored version for K and a black and white version for Pac Man. Pac happily completed his and K gave us a bit of attitude which you can see clearly displayed on his lovely face below.
Finally we moved on to our craft, which was a poem also found on Danielle’s Place. We made our own snowflakes to glue to the poem.
I helped Krash with his, and he loved it!
He loved cutting up the sample snowflake even more though.
I must admit, when this evening was over I was so thankful. Krash was a handful to say the least. Even Ladybug was out of sorts and spent her time “yelling” loudly. She was mostly happy, just way louder than she normally is!! I had spent much of Sunday planning for our evening (as I usually do), and I found myself feeling very discouraged. My husband was great and he built me up and gave me wonderful words of encouragement. I also reflected, prayed, and remembered that even if the kids hate the activities, or it seems a waste of time, what we are really doing is Raising Rock Stars! The simple routine of doing this every Sunday night speaks volumes into their little hearts. It’s not about the lesson, it’s not about the crafts, it’s about Mommy and Daddy showing the kiddos that God comes first and HE deserves family time focused on HIM. So, after much prayer and reflection, I realized that even though the night seemed like a failure to me, it was a success to HIM and that’s what matters most!
Resources used this week:
- Winter Fun Tot Pack (matching cards and mini book)
- Snowflake Lesson and printable poem
- Winter Books (from our theme bookstore)
- Bible Memory Verses (there is a special winter verse)
- Songs for Saplings CD
Visit the Raising Rock Stars Webpage to download your own notebook pages and to see links to previous Rock Stars posts!