I read other blogs 😉 mostly on my iPod while I am nursing Ladybug! I don’t have a lot of spare time to read a lot…but I have over 100 blogs in my reader! I thought I would share some of my favorite posts that I have starred recently. Hopefully I can do this every week, but I am not making any promises! For now, enjoy these awesome posts…
- How to Get Started Homeschooling {a great detailed post from Erica}
- 19 Tips for Making Your Home Paperless {from Simple Mom…I am all for LESS paper}
- Multiplication Clock {from Rockin’ Granola…totally doing this with Pac Man, love it!}
- Homeschool Calendar & Morning Board {from my pal Jolanthe…she stole some of my ideas, and I am totally stealing hers too 😉 LOVE her skip counting charts!}
- Wii Have Jesus {this one had me rolling}
- Crayon Play {from Let’s Explore-so simple yet why didn’t I think of this?}
- Hilarious Outtakes {winners from i heart faces recent challenge-you just have to peek!!}
- AWESOME and inspiring post from Brad Ruggles on the Kenya Compassion trip {I love them all, but this one really had me weeping}
- Also really loved this one, and this one from Kristen {also Kenya}
- my heart spilled {SOOOO inspired and moved by this post from Katie in Uganda}
There are many more of course, but that should keep you busy for awhile if you decided to follow any of my links ;-). Happy Reading!