~Krash is currently 46 months old~
Zoobs continue to be a BIG hit with both boys. I just love how Krash likes to “read” the instruction booklets. He is so good at building things with these now, completely on his own!
Our beads are also still a favorite, they can’t get enough of these! Not really how the book, “How to Build an A” is supposed to be used, but I suppose it does work well as a race track, right?
We had LOADS of fun with Twister Hopscotch this week, SO much fun in fact that it will be the featured toy for my “Play with Me” post on Totally Tots this month, stay tuned!
He did his lower case ABC puzzle all by himself {with his hammer of course}
We enjoyed a week of BABY ANIMALS! We enjoyed reading tons of books about baby animals, many of which are here. I made a Baby Animals Tot Pack, but just haven’t had the chance to get it posted…I promise I will share SOON! Here’s K checking out his first day’s workboxes {I can’t believe I caught his face like that, he was honestly happy about his stuff!}… He made baby animal collages using our Ultimate Baby Animal Sticker Book…
He colored his baby animal cards to match the color of their name…
He put together is baby animal puzzles…
After the 1st one was so wiggly, I decided to put Velcro on the back of the laminated pieces and let him use a piece of felt-he loved this!
He loved matching his mommy & baby cards…
I made him an I Spy bottle {don’t have a photo} by putting these little images with rice in it. He hated it. The next day I dumped it into a box like this and he loved it.
He played with just the rice for a long time after finding the animals, AND did a great job obeying my keep the rice in the box instruction!!!
He matched his Mommy & Baby animals…
We got out our Is Your Mama a Llama shadow matching {form our Itty Bitty Bookworm}
A tub of dry beans and baby animals 😉 hours of fun for a tot! He did ask for cups and a spoon…silly mommy didn’t even think about that!
We read Rumble in the Jungle and made an Elephant E!
Krash is in love with this new FREE app I got for him, Giraffe’s Matching Zoo. I honestly didn’t even think he would like it but he plays it all the time! As with all free apps, be careful of the pop ups that try to get your child to buy something ;-). See this app and more we love for tots here on our web page.
I brought out our gears toy for Ladybug and she is in love!!!Our item this week was ping pong balls {we have these}! She loved them!!!! First I put them in a basket for her to explore…
I love how she dug right in to get them!!!
Of course Pac Man played with her tons. Here he is throwing them into the basket for her…I think he taught her how to juggle too.
Next time I gave her the balls on a tray and added in an empty container. She was fun to watch as she explored this!
She loved it when I showed her how the balls rolled around on the tray!
I have to be careful now, my little scooter is getting her self around pretty good. I walked out of the room for a sec and came back to find she had scooted over to the toy shelves and helped herself!
Independent reading time has been something we have done for years {here’s an old post about Pac Man and reading}. I just fall off the wagon with scheduling it in at times. We are back on the wagon and each boy has a new book basket which I keep loaded with books that I think will interest them.I am now having them read while I prepare lunch each day, and we did it every day last week. It was AWESOME. I am also using the book baskets as a time filler if I have to put Ladybug down for a nap or something and need something quick to engage the boys while I am away for a few minutes. Krash quickly found a few favorites in his basket and read them over and over again all week, it was so cute!
He continues to cut his way through his Kumon Cutting Workbook…
Krash finally did his very first unprompted “writing” He is advancing so quickly with school type things these days. It’s like he has turned a corner and all of the sudden is into this stuff now!
“Look Mommy, it’s a g!!!!” {yes, Mommy was very proud, considering I didn’t even think he could identify a lower case g}
K’s new obsession…Team UmiZoomi {if you haven’t seen it, it is a cross between Super Why, Little Einsteins & Wonder Pets-focused on MATH}. I think it is super cute and he is not usually really into certain shows, so it is cute to see him get up and dance with it!!!
Krash and Ladybug are really developing a sweet bond together now that she is a bit older. It is so awesome. He is the wildest kid but is so soft spoken and gentle with her. It just melts my heart.
- Are you wondering where to start with Tot School? Read here!
- Read more aboutTot Trays here!
- Visit Totally Tots for more tot fun!!!
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