~Krash is currently 47 months old~
~Ladybug is currently 12 months old~
Obviously we didn’t have Tot School, but I had to recap their week at sea! We had a wonderful time, here are few highlights…
Ladybug rode on an airplane for the first time and LOVED it! She even sat in the seat by herself, and was a delight!Krash kept busy with my iPod! K learned to butter a roll, all by himself!!!!He swam some, but the weather wasn’t nice so we didn’t swim nearly as much as we had hoped.Ladybug enjoyed 1 day at the pool, which was perfect for her! She loved it!
It was certainly a hassle to get them all good-looking like this, but man they looked nice. Seeing Krash and Pac Man walk around in their little suits on formal night was awesome, even if we did rip them off as soon as we could after dinner. We aren’t much of a formal family ;-).
She loved the Ergo all week long, I don’t know how we would have made it without this thing!
Krash participated in a wonderful program for kids called Adventure Ocean {we sailed on Royal Caribbean, Liberty of the Seas…the programs for kids are AWESOME}. He was an “Aquanaut” for ages 3-5. He didn’t do so hot the first few days, actually got “kicked out” the first night for not listening. He is a limit pusher and if he thinks he can push you-he will. As soon as he knows you can’t be pushed-he will stop and will obey. He is also VERY wild, so he has to be tamed a bit ;-). By about the 3rd day he was great and they seemed to enjoy him and he certainly enjoyed the program! Here he is in his alien crown! He came home with all sorts of goodies when he spent time there!
Ladybug enjoyed time at the beach, in her own perfect set-up…
Krash LOVED the video arcade on the ship-we never even had to pay for him to play, he just liked pretending!
Ladybug loved all of her extra Daddy time. She stayed in a room with us, the boys were next door. She got loads of 1 on 1 attention, which she just ate up! Daddy and Ladybug had get-you giggle fests every day like this!!!
The ship had a nightly program where they picked up the kids 40 minutes into dinner and took them to play while the adults finished dinner-talk about WONDERFUL. The waiters always had a cheese and fruit plate ready for K when he sat down so he could dig right in!
Ladybug celebrated her 1st Birthday in the middle of the week!!!!
Krash got his face painted like Bat Man, then had a battle with the pillow during his nap and this is what remained…
They both enjoyed time with their grandparents {my parents}
Ladybug learned to play the iPod herself…it was soooo funny. She also strolled around with her feet up all of the time.She has NUMEROUS teeth coming in and was a champ…most of the time!
We enjoyed evenings after dinner with our little only child 😉
Krash participated in a talent show and sung a rockin ABC song with his group, he quickly moved himself to the front row and was the loudest.
He was adorable during his interview, here he is showing her how old he is 😉
We had an awesome week, and are SO very thankful to have been blessed with a trip like this! I am equally as blessed to be back home-I love home. Krash was adorable at dinner tonight, he said, “I love my home, I love the cruise too, but I love home.” I couldn’t have said it better myself.
- Are you wondering where to start with Tot School? Read here!
- Read more about Tot Trays here!
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