My biggest baby turned 8 today, which is dangerously close to being a teenager. Could someone please beat him with an ugly stick soon, the girls already love him and I am not too thrilled with that.
I always wonder what other kids the same age get for their birthdays so I thought I would share in case any of you are like me ;-).
I will also note which things he asked for and which were “surprises” 😉
These are all of the gifts combined from us and others {so far}.
This is what he asked for…
Paperoni …I really tried to talk him out of this one, but he really wanted it.
Hungry, Hungry Hippos {I always wanted this game as a kid}
This is what he got that we surprised him with…
Baseball Glove and 2 baseballs {from his Daddy}
…and to top that all of, he got his big present last week while we were on the cruise, he got to swim with DOLPHINS!!!!
Happy Birthday Pac Man!