~Ladybug is currently 18.5 months old~
So, not only is this post up WAY late, but I have been really off of my Tot School Momma game lately. Especially in the photo department. But as we all know-tots are learning whether I am super intentional about it or not and certainly even if I don’t take photos! ha ha!
Her 3 “new” {rotated} learning toys {Discovery Toys Faces, Farm Puzzle, Guidecraft Animal Sort & Match} I kept these 3 out all week and we just went to them when she wanted to and I played with her and just had fun! She also played a lot with them on her own too. The boys enjoyed them too—added bonus!
We got the faces/bowls from a consignment sale and they only had a few of the beanbags included, so we don’t use them the way I think they were intended. They are so cool though! Sturdy enough to even stand on!
I love how she checked to see if her beloved seahorse would fit in the bowl!
Puzzles aren’t only for completing, the pieces are certainly for stacking also…
Ladybug really enjoyed the magnetic board in our Animal Train game. We worked with this a lot {review coming soon!}
Once again, she dug into K’s Star Boxes and REALLY enjoyed his fishing ABC game {also an amazing consignment sale find that I cannot find online, but I did find this one that is similar and made by the same company}
Yet another consignment sale find, our awesome builders and benders {which I could only find here online}
Drawing is still a big deal for Ladybug, she loves to scribble {something neither of my boys enjoyed so I love it}
Knee walking is her normal mode of transportation…
Our new tent {THANKS NANEE} is a big hit!!!!
A common sight for me, Ladybug begging to be held while I am needing to do other homeschooling things with the boys…
Pumpkin carving with Ladybug…
Giving it love and kisses…
Amazed by the light…
I am lovin’ her 18 month old photos 😉
More Tot School Links…
Tot School 2010/2011 Roll Call {and FAQ Clarification Post} –I have finished updating the Tot School roster, please let me know if you are not on it and you have linked up for at least 3 weeks. You can leave a comment on this post telling me that this is your 3rd {or more} time linking up!
Behind the Scenes ~ Where Do I Begin with Tot School?
Tot School Webpage {including links of all participants}
Totally Tots {my other team-written blog, all about tots!}
All of our Tot School Posts
Visit our Tot School Tools Store
Tot School Zones {Linky with other moms sharing their Tot School zones}
How do I Link up to Tot School? Please be sure to read this BEFORE you link up for the first time!!! If your blog is not linked back here to Tot School {within your post, not just on your sidebar}, and/or your post is not specifically a Tot School post, your link will be deleted to help Tot School surfing moms. If your link was deleted, please email if you don’t know why.
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