Moments to Remember was developed as a simple way to look back on our week as homeschoolers and find photos that encompass the memories we want to remember.The week may have been tough, there may have been more bumps than smiles, but in the end these are the moments that keep us going, the ones we need to remember.
This whole week has been very laid back for us, with no school for anyone and lots of playing! Lots of Stella snuggles, and relaxation…
The real moments to remember began on Thursday evening when we headed out camping as a family! These are the moments I live for…no schedule, nature, sibling bonding, and so much more.
Fishing is a special part, even when we don’t catch much…
Ladybug helped Daddy fish for about 30 seconds and they caught one!!!
We tried to get her to hold it, she wasn’t having it!
Mostly, I just LOVE that we are all together, just us 5, enjoying moments and making memories. I adore these people!
Our trip is being documented on Instagram, feel free to follow us if you want a peek! I am 1plus1plus1 on Instagram.
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