We have so many pumpkin theme activities, this was just our first week, and it wasn’t even a full week! Here is her Tot School area all set up, she loved it!
She loves her activity notebook, and was anxious to flip through it and choose her first activity. She is very into mazes right now so I printed a few and sure enough, that’s what she chose first!
{All pumpkin printables in her notebook are pinned to my pumpkin theme pinterest board!}
After the mazes, she chose to play “find the letter” with me, and soon after Krash joined in too {he used the lowercase sheet, she had uppercase}. I called out a letter and they had to put their little marker on it as fast as they could!
Notebook fun occurred many times during the week! Here she is coloring pumpkins…
Her dot fun activities are in the notebook for her to pick from and she loved the new pumpkin sheets!
I had to direct her away from the notebook to check out her tray activities, and she immediately wanted to play roll and transfer the pumpkin erasers. She rolled the little foam die, then transferred that many pumpkin erasers with tongs {these are from an old bug collecting kit from Target} to the ice cube tray. We counted the total as we went too.
She loved the color cubes activity I made for her! I will have to try to make a few more as we do different themes, she loves these cubes!
We got down our busy hands play dough box and created fun pumpkins!
She loves our pumpkin songs, and asks to sing together daily.
One of the favorites is “5 Little Pumpkins” she loves to act her songs out!
Our pumpkin sensory bin is a big favorite. This day she made a leaf/pumpkin pile for her stuffed animals to jump in!
We have much more to do with our pumpkin theme so stayed tuned for part 2 next week!
Ladybug’s week on Instagram {I am using Printsgram to make the layout for the week!}
We are 1plus1plus1 on Instagram, follow us here!
- Tot School Blog Roll 2012-2013 will be coming soon!
- New to linking up here? Read this first! Basics: write a specific post about what you did with your tot, link up the permalink from your post, link back to Tot School within that post, put your tot’s age in months in ( ) like this: (43 months).