My friend Jodi {Granola Mom 4 God} has sat beside of me at a few blog conferences. We bonded online first, and then in real life. In real life I was able to smell certain smells and see her tiny bottles in person, and honestly my first thought was, “that’s weird, but I love her anyway.”
You see, Jodi is into essential oils, Young Living Oils to be exact. She carries her little bottles around and has a solution for everything. She will gladly anoint you with oil for many ailments! She has even begun making videos to help us newbies out!
About a year ago I said I was ready to try it, we began talking and although I still thought it a bit strange, I was willing to learn. Well, a year later I am finally making good on my word. My starter kit is in the mail heading to me right now!
So, Jodi set up a page for me on HER site, so you can sign up under me, which is also under her! So, you still get the cool book she sends out and support from her, while also supporting my family – cool huh? Yeah, she’s awesome like that.
My package hasn’t even arrived yet, so I can’t claim anything awesome about using essential oils, but Jodi can, and I trust her, fully. If you are interested in learning and joining me on this new oily journey, head on over to the page she has on her site for me and learn more!