Welcome to Tot School™ Gathering Place! Gather together here, gather ideas from other blogs, share your own ideas on your own blog. Browse around at the other posts linked up, leave a few comments if you have time, and be sure to check back to see if your blog was featured!
Each week we will feature photo{s} and ideas from blogs who link up. Remember, provide a link back to Tot School Gathering Place within your post that you link up, so you can be considered for the feature!
August is flying by way too quickly! What activities have you enjoyed with your Tot this summer? Remember to link up your exciting doings to share with us here on the Gathering Place so we can maybe try them with our Tots!
Are you looking for an easy, concrete way to teach the fruits of the Spirit to your Tot? Check out the easy to understand lesson that Mama Courtney of Mommy & Her Men put together for her Little Man centered on Joy. It may just bring more joy into your life!
Life skills are an important part of, well, life! All Tots need to learn them! Head on over to Welcome to Mommyhood to see what Mama Yuliya has been working with Tot Y this past month!
I LOVE peeking into someone else’s schoolroom to see the set up/configuration that works for that family! It gives me ideas to implement in my own schoolroom! Take a peek into Mama Kimberly’s schoolroom over at Natural Beach Living and see if it inspires any new ideas for your own room!
Were you featured? You are welcome to a button but you certainly don’t have to use it! Totally optional!
<center><a href="http://bit.ly/W32RDO" target="_blank"><img alt="I was featured for Tot School!" src="http://bit.ly/13tsB2r"/ ></a></center>
Do you have your FREE
Where to Begin with Tot School eBook?
See the Tot School webpage here!
Follow {1plus1plus1} Carisa’s board Tot School Ideas on Pinterest.
Get ready early for a fun APPLE THEME this fall!
Are you NEW or have never been featured? Read this! Basics: write a specific post about what you did with your tot, link up the permalink from your post, link back to Tot School within that post, put your tot’s age in months in ( ) like this: (43 months).