This year I am doing individual grade level wrap-up posts instead of all three kids in one. I shared our first month of 9th grade here. This post will share highlights from October!
Here is the post about the curriculum choices we made for him.
9th grade continues to move along. He spends many hours a day doing his schoolwork, we can definitely tell we have a high schooler now! We use Lessontrek for weekly planning. I type them up each weekend to prepare for Monday. He uses this to guide him through his week. At the end of the week I record all of his grades from the paper into Lessontrek online since we use their Gradebook feature.
We use IEW Student Writing intensive Level C which I like but must admit I hit a road block with teaching this past month and had to take a break. Instead of driving myself crazy, we took a few weeks off and I went back to the teacher training DVDs to get smarter. Thankfully it worked and we will jump back in midway through unit 4.
I continue to love Homeschool Spanish Academy! I sit at his door and listen in sometimes since he prefers me not to watch him. It is just so neat to know he has an individual Spanish teacher! I love it! He is doing well and is learning a lot!
Notgrass World History is going well. I continue to be pleased with this choice. I particularly love when he has to make something yummy for his project! He gets to choose a project each week from his lesson, and for unit 7 he made Hamantaschen using a recipe he found here.
Foundations in Personal Finance is only getting better and better!!! I highly recommend this course for your teenagers, thanks to Jolanthe for recommending it to me! Dave Ramsey is hilarious and so straightforward. Pac has already learned SO much, he probably know more than most adults about this subject thanks to the high quality of material being taught – even I have learned a few things!
Apologia Biology is much better now, we seem to have found a groove. After module 2 we decided to purchase the DVD to see if it would help. We LOVE the DVD!!! We built in a DVD watching day for each module. The day before he works on his study guide for his test, he watches ALL of the module videos to review. During the module he watches the videos for tricky lessons or experiments, so some he will see twice. His grades have improved since adding the DVDs!
He still lets his little sis peek if he is doing something interesting!
Northstar Geography is going well. It is a great curriculum! Nothing really exciting to report, he does this mostly on his own.
Teaching Textbooks Geometry is a dream come true for homeschooling math. Seriously, I see what he is doing and how they teach it and I am blown away. Slowly his grades are climbing in this subject, he is slowing down and taking more time and getting results. I am very proud!
He continues to enjoy swimming and had his first swim meet in October. We are so thankful he found a sport he really enjoys!
He is very involved with our church and decided to take a break from Boy Scouts this semester in order to be a leader at the weekly outreach ministry night. He is SO in his element while serving. They obviously have loads of fun based on the fun pictures I get to see!
One of the extra things he loves in his life is Skrafty. If your kids play Minecraft, definitely look into using the Skrafty server. All kids have to be white-listed and it is moderated heavily.
A Recap of his curriculum…
Science ~ Apologia Biology with DVD
Math ~ Teaching Textbooks Geometry
Writing ~ IEW SIW C and The Elegant Essay
World History ~ Notgrass
Geography ~ Northstar
Spanish ~ Homeschool Spanish Academy
Finance ~ Foundations in Personal Finance
Reading ~ See book list here {which will most likely grow}
Follow along with us on Instagram to get peeks at our homeschool life {and our life in general!}. Stay tuned for our October wrap-up all about 5th grade and one about 2nd grade!
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