Whoa. Chicks grow fast. I knew that, but experiencing it is a totally different adventure!
Catching up on our chick adventures? You can see week 1 here and week 2 here!
If I had nothing else to do, I would do this much of my day. I love hanging out with my girls. This is Freckles, by far the most chill and people-friendly chicken we have!
She calls herself the Chicken Whisperer and we all agree. She has such a gentle and confident way with them.
This is one of my girls, Gertie. She has the most color on her of all of the Black Sex Links.
The feather growth on the younger set is gorgeous! On the left is a Barred Rock and on the right is a Rhode Island Red.
Current brooder situation…
They now have a top! These girls are quite flighty!
Added in a dust-bath-bowl. They love sitting in it!
Also added a larger and higher roosting stick and they LOVE it!
See the chickens here #chickens4thehinsons