Catching up on our chick adventures? You can see week 1 here and week 2 here, week 3 here, week 4/5 here, week 6 here! and week 7 here!
We have 2 Rhode Island Reds, 3 Barred Rocks and 7 Black Sex Links {a hybrid of the Barred Rock & Rhode Island Red}. The Barred Rocks and Rhode Island Reds are 7/8 weeks old in these photos and the BSLs are 8/9 weeks old.
I absolutely love seeing the chickens rest outside in their run. Seeing them snuggle up together is my favorite!
We spend a LOT of time with our chickens. My daughter continues to be their biggest fan.
I heard that certain chickens would just hop right up and that has begun! I sat down one day and bam – two chickens up on me!
See the chickens here #chickens4thehinsons