Winter Fun Q-Tip Painting Printables
I have a new set of Winter Fun Q-Tip Painting Printables for you! This set has a simple sentence describing the picture, so you could staple them all together to...
Draw, Write Now Book 8 Printables
I am finally done with all 8 sets of Draw, Write, Now printables! Book 8 features Animals of the World, Part 2 ~ Savannas, Grasslands, Mountains & Deserts. If you...
School Supply Labels ~ Free Printables
I have wanted to make new school supply labels for years, and make a set I could share with others! Finally I have them done and ready for you and...
Draw, Write, Now Printables Book 7
It’s been awhile since I have shared Draw, Write, Now printables I’m sorry! I got book 7 completed and will be completing the final book, this summer! Book 7 features...
Pizza Coloring Printables
The idea behind “Just Color!” is simple ~ theme packs all focused around coloring. There are mostly coloring pages, and a few coloring activities. The coloring pages are all in...
Number Coloring Printables
We have a new set of number coloring printables in our All 123s section! This set could be used in a variety of ways. Your child could color the number...
A Reading Log Printable for My Bookworm
My son Krash has become a little bookworm. It developed out of nowhere, as he has NOT been much of a reader until now. He enjoys being read to, but...
Wall-E Printables
{disclaimer ~ affiliate links used} My girl is in love with Wall-E. So much so that she asked for letter W week to be a Wall-E theme! How could I...
Daniel Tiger Printables {free}
{disclaimer ~ affiliate links used} I have been asked many times for Daniel Tiger Printables and until recently I didn’t even know who Daniel Tiger was! That all changed when...
Love Activities for Kids {1 Corinthians 13}
{disclaimer ~ affiliate links used below} Years ago, Laura from 10 Million Miles wrote a series on LOVE over at Totally Tots and I developed some printables to extend her...
Tinkerbell & Friends Printable Pack
I made a Fairy Printable Pack last year and many asked me for Tinkerbell. I hope many of your Tinkerbell fans enjoy this free printable pack, made for Tots -...
Animal ABC Q-Tip Printables
We are done using Animal ABCs but I still come up with ideas to enhance the program! Recently I released our ABC Q-Tip Printable set and decided to make a...