My son Krash has become a little bookworm. It developed out of nowhere, as he has NOT been much of a reader until now. He enjoys being read to, but wasn’t like Ladybug who always has books near her and will sit and read for hours.
In the past 5 months or so, something has clicked and unlocked this side of him. When he read his first chapter book for fun, and enjoyed it, the fire was lit inside of him! The first chapter book her read was a book I was sent many years ago as a sample copy from Scholastic, Looniverse. It sat on my shelf for years since it was not at a level for any of my kids but then suddenly I remembered it and pulled it out for him. It was perfect for him…just enough pictures and words, a funny story line and characters he loved. We went on to buy the other 3 books in the series and he read them all quickly, the last one arrived one morning and he had it finished that night!
I soon realized I couldn’t afford to buy his books so we hit the library together. He chose the A-Z Mystery series and picked out 4 he liked. He has read 2 of those 4 and loves them. Thankfully we have many more in the series for him and our library has them all!
I realized too late that we should have had a reading log for him all this time, but honestly his reading enthusiasm caught me so off guard, I wasn’t prepared! I decided to change that and whipped up a quick reading log printable for him including what we wanted on it. The title, number of pages, date started and completed,and a place for him to rate the book 1-10.
{click image to download Reading Log Printable}
Here’s his filled in chart, we did the best with the dates we couldn’t remember
We also have Jigsaw Jones on our list to try next. Any other suggestions?