
Questions with Answers Volume 1 Printables
Years ago I created printables to go along with Songs for Saplings ABCs and now I am working my way through the Questions with Answers CDs! I was given these...
Friends & Heroes Homeschool Curriculum
We are thrilled to have Friends & Heroes as a blog sponsor and were honored to be able to review their Homeschool Curriculum! PacMan watched Friends and Heroes years ago...
Scripture Lullabies
We have LOVED Scripture Lullabies for awhile now. I stumbled across the music years ago while online, I don’t even remember where I saw it first, but I downloaded it...
What’s in the Bible? Volume 10!
We had the honor of reviewing the latest What’s in the Bible DVD, volume 10, Jesus is the Good News! We currently use the DVDs in our homeschool, you...
Music with a Mission
Years ago I was introduced to Songs for Saplings and their music has been a part of our family ever since! I developed a series of printables to go along...
Draw Through the Bible
We absolutely love Grapevine Studies! Although we are not currently using the studies, we most certainly will be again in the future. I used them with PacMan when he was...
What’s in the Bible?
We have the entire What’s in the Bible Old Testament Collection shown above! I was given two and loved them so much I bought the rest! With this amazing deal,...
Songs for Saplings ABC Bible Verse Printable Pack
Years ago I created ABC Bible Verse Printables to go along with the wonderful Songs for Saplings ABC CD. These were featured on Totally Tots, for the “In My Heart”...
What’s In the Bible? Special News!
I have exciting What’s in the Bible news to share with you! First ~ ALL DVDs are on sale for $10 each, through July 26! This is a great deal and...
Raising Rock Stars Kindergarten ~ P
You can download all of the printables for this unit FREE here on the main RRSK page, just scroll down until you see them! We are only doing the Bible...
Bible Verse Tunes
I have finally completed ALL of the Bible Verse Tunes that go along with the verses used in Raising Rock Stars Preschool and Kindergarten, from the book ~ My ABC...
Raising Rock Stars ~ What’s in the Bible
We have been off the wagon for a bit with our Bible lessons, otherwise known as Raising Rock Stars {if you are new, you can read the vision here}. I...