Guest Posts
Teach Your Child to Read Free Flash Cards and Giveaway!
I am excited to have Janine from True Aim here to share how she teaches her children to read with a Free printable and giveaway! Teaching your child to read...
15 Unique Books for Fine Motor Skills
I am honored to have Janine LaTulippe with us today sharing a guest post and giveaway! I just love Usborne {I am not personally a consultant but use and love...
Montessori Minute ~ Bare Essentials
{disclosure: this post contains affiliate links} 806Save This is a guest post written by John Bowman If you have a Bachelor’s degree, a year off, and $ to spare, you...
10 Tips for Studying Nature with Tots & Preschoolers
The following is a guest post from my friend Maureen {Spell Outloud} she has a natural gift for bringing nature into the lives of her young children, I pray her...
Developmentally Appropriate Practice & Homeschooling
About a year ago I wrote a post entitled, “Following the Lead of the Child” and put a request out for other early childhood educators to help me with a...
Montessori Minute ~ Great Questions
This is a guest post written by John Bowman, author of Montessori at Home! I received some great questions from an enthusiastic parent, and since they are questions many parents...
Christmas Guest Posts
I don’t normally guest post, it is a once or twice a year thing for me. It just so happens that 2 of the times I said yes this year...
Montessori Minute ~ Toys vs. Learning Materials
The media - toymaker industrial complex, borrowing a sixties phrase, depends on quickly turning our children into rabid consumers. Really, our way of life in developed countries depends on it;...
Montessori Minute ~ Positive Self Image
How Does a Child Develop a Positive Self Image? We want our child to be confident and ‘feel good about herself’. We want him to welcome challenges, not shrink from...