School Room
Preschool ~ More Planning and Organizing
I got my hands on this wonderful organizer for free and my brain was instantly spinning!!!! Oh the things I could do with many, MANY little compartments like this! Organizing...
Our School Room ~ Ready for the New Year!
First, I must tell you, I used to be a public school Kindergarten teacher. This is important for you to know for 2 reasons...#1 it explains my LOVE of bright...
Our School Room
It is time again, time for a school room post! I have written a couple in the past year, you can find them here and here. Today I am posting...
The School Room, part 2
I got a few questions from readers, wanting to know more about my schoolroom! So, for those of you who like to know details (I'm one of those too) here...
Our School Room
It was time for a change, our current school room layout wasn't working for us and I couldn't figure out a new way to arrange and then finally it hit...