We are in the beginning stages of our Fruits of the Spirit unit, collecting items daily for our lapbook we will put together at the end. Here is what we are doing so far…
We are using a song on th CD Crazy Praize II, Fruit of the Spirit (I think other versions of this song are available on other cd’s, but I’m not sure). My son has learned the fruits from this song!
Each day we are learning about a fruit, so far we have done love and joy. Danielle’s Place has GREAT lessons, guiding through each fruit.
Each day P is also watching a funny little movie online, from the website, ToyBox Tales. He loves these so far, he is giggling constantly!
For the future lapbook, I am making him a mini-song book, and Bible Verse cards (1 verse focusing on each fruit each day). We are also playing the memory card game from Danielle’s Place every day. (That’s my dad playing with him, he’s visiting for the week!)We will also do many other things from her site! I am especially excited for Kool-Aid painting!
If anyone has any good Fruits of the Spirit sites or ideas, leave me a comment!