We are starting P’s volcano lapbook next week, he is THRILLED, I am OK with it. This is entirely his idea…he’s been asking to learn about volcanoes for months now! Here are the resources I have printed out for his lapbook…
Volcano Poetry Form
Volcano Fact Cards
Volcano Shape Book
Label the Volcano (Enchanted Learning)
Stages of a Volcano (Hands of a Child Sample)
Color By Number
and I broke down and purchased this, from A to Z Teacher Stuff. I really needed it and am glad I bought it. My son is really into this whole volcano thing and I am really trying to be! I need to learn and almost everything I found was not for his age (5 1/2). This download has many activities that are appropriate for him and it is also teaching me what I need to know to teach him! Photos will be posted as we begin!!!