I am in BIG TIME planning mode, especially with Workboxes in mind for Pac Man. Thought I would share a bit of what I have prepared for him this evening. I am still gathering, printing, laminating, cutting, etc. I was trying to rush to being our school year but have since given myself a break and have decided to allow myself the time I need to prepare and be FULLY ready to begin. Once I made this decision I have been excited again. We’ll officially begin when I am ready, in the meantime he has 6 workboxes and we do a very relaxed form of school.
Here’s what I have been working on tonight…
One of my all time favorite homeschool blogs, Walking By The Way, had this great post, which led me to this awesome site. I have printed some of the posters and most of the Crazy Cat Tales (similar to MadLibs) for Pac Man’s workboxes. So excited about these, thanks Ami for sharing this great site!
Ami also shared some math fact cards she was using for her son. I quickly went into Publisher and made some for Pac Man (I will upload mine when I get time…sorry I am too busy planning right now!). Pac Man needs tons more practice to memorize his facts.
Awhile back, Jolanthe shared a review about the Write Shop: StoryBuilders. In her post she mentioned a free download for one of their Ebooks. I finally got around to printing it all out and preparing it for Pac Man to use. Thanks Jolanthe!!
Another great one from Jolanthe, this Notebooking page for the book Children Just Like Me. We have had this book for a LONG time and now I finally have a great idea to go along with it!!! Thanks again Jolanthe!!! I have put our book and some blank pages together so I can give him this for a workbox every now and then.
Barker Creek offered this great ebook for free awhile back and thankfully I downloaded it then! I finally got a section printed out and ready to go into Workboxes for Pac Man!!! He will be doing the section on Homonyms first.
I also had another free USA ebook (which I cannot find online now) and I got it all printed and ready for the boxes also!!!
I am so excited to be planning again, I LOVE planning (am I weird??). I will share more as I go…